
    The Nile alone made agriculture possible in Egypt’s desert environment. Each year the rains of central Africa caused the river to rise over its floodplain(洪泛區), cresting(到達頂點)in September and October. In places the plain(平原)extends several miles on either side(每一方); elsewhere the cliffs slope down to the water’s edge. When the floodwaters receded(退去), they left a rich layer on organically(有機耕作地)fertile silt(泥沙). The construction(建造)and maintenance(維修) of canals(渠道), dams, and irrigation ditches(灌渠)to control the river’s water, together with careful planning and organization(組織)of planning and harvesting, produced an agricultural prosperity(繁榮)unmatched(無與倫比的)in the ancient world.


    The Nile served as major highway connecting Upper and Lower Egypt. There was also a network of desert roads running north and south, as well as routes across the eastern desert to the Sinai(西奈半島) and the Red Sea. Other tracks led to oases(綠洲) in the western desert. Thanks to geography and climate, Egypt was more isolated and enjoyed far more security than Mesopotamia. This security along with the predictable flood calendar, gave Egyptian civilization a more optimistic outlook(觀點)than the civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates, which were more prone to storms, flash floods, and invasions.



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